fuel poverty

899 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: As we move onto the Long Cold Winter the woodpile grows again, Pa Ingalls would be proud

Notwithstanding the utterly false slur from deluded, Guardian reading, Cambridge academics that Laura Ingalls Wilder is a vile racist whose books should be kept away from young folk, Joshua and I are now onto the fifth of the series, The Long Cold Winter.  At chapter five the first blizzard has been survived but nature is warning the Ingalls family that far worse is to come.


983 days ago

Radio 4 on Fuel Poverty & Community Energy Co-Ops - there is only 1 view allowed on the BBC

Forced to work in the kitchen by problems with my study ceiling, I am suffering BBC Radio 4, something the Mrs inflicts on me every morning as a punishment for being an evil capitalist. Today’s torture is listening to Positive Thinking presented by Sangita Myska, a “deep dive” into how to end fuel poverty. Natch all the guests agree on one solution with nobody at all challenging a narrative which is patently absurd. This show encapsulated all that is wrong with the BBC.
